People often tell me that they'd love to taken one of our tiny house workshops but they can't afford it. I respond by telling them that if they're serious about building a tiny house they really can't afford NOT to come to a workshop. The few hundred dollars they invest in the workshop will save them significant time, money, and heartache since they'll gather information and learn from other's mistakes. Fortunately, my friend and colleague Alek recently wrote this post about the benefits of taking one of our Tiny House Collaborative workshops. So in case you're not on the Tiny House Collaborative mailing list, I am cross-posting it here. Enjoy and feel free to respond in the comments. Thanks!"
PCC ADU Design Class Wraps Up
This past weekend Lina Menard, an editor of and the coordinator of the ADU Case Studies Project, taught an ADU Design Class through Portland Community College. The fourteen students brought a variety of project ideas, including everything from garage and basement conversions to backyard cottages, additions, and renovation of a workshop.
T42's Maiden Voyage
On Friday, Dec 30th we moved T42 to her new spot where we're Creating a New Tiny Cohousing Community. Most years I make the transition between one year and the next with some quiet days of contemplation, reflection, and intention setting. This year Isha and I did those things, too, but our days weren't exactly quiet. Instead, we had two tiny houses in motion, which meant figuring, patience, a decent amount of physical labor in cold temperatures, and a lot of deep breaths.
Downsizing E-Course Kicks Off in January
If you're ready to take a good look at your Stuff, this e-course is for you. We'll address our relationship with Stuff, discuss needs and wants to figure out what really matters, set priorities, and evaluate our possessions. We'll identify old habits and clutter magnets and tackle problem areas in our homes. Then we'll develop organizational systems and new habits to reduce clutter. And the best part is you'll get to do this with the encouragement of other people who are embarking on a similar journey.
Less is More at Yestermorrow in Jan 2017
If you've been fantasizing about a small space of your own (whether that's a backyard cottage, a converted vehicle, or a tiny house on wheels), this course is a brilliant way to dig deep and have a great time exploring the possibilities. I hope you can join us! Please share with other small space enthusiasts who might be interested, too. The more, the merrier!
Our. House. Is. Too. Big.
We're really excited to move into our new tiny house, T42, as soon as it's ready and create shared space here in the big house. In the meantime, over the past four weeks Isha and I have been composing a list of all the reasons we know we're still in the tiny house phase of our lives. We've made a handy reference list so that you can determine whether you're ready to transition from a big house to a tiny house (or know what to prepare yourself for if you ever need to make the transition from a tiny house to a "normal" American home!)
My Gratitude Short List
Gratitude is a habit of mine anyhow. I note my gratitudes in a journal and when we sit down to eat we all say something we're grateful for. Science shows that people who are grateful are more happy. I can attest that that's true for me. And I love this day that is dedicated to being appreciative of the people, experiences, and things that make our lives better.
How Whitman Helped Me Find My Niche
A while ago I had the opportunity to do a video interview with Matt Banderas '04, who graduated from Whitman College the year before I did. It was really fun to show him around my tiny house, The Lucky Penny and Simply Home Community. As we sat with mugs of tea, I told him all about how my beloved alma mater helped me to find, er actually, to make my Niche. This week Matt shared with me the video he created using the footage he took that day. Now I get to share it with you.
A Minimalist Move
Isha and I are Creating a New Tiny Cohousing Community and once we got the keys to the new house we began our minimalist move... In the weeks leading up to our move Isha and I both went through our Stuff again. I'd been teaching another round of my Downsizing E-Course, which meant that my collection of stuff was pretty well honed. It took me less than 2 hours to pack the contents of The Lucky Penny! But since Isha and I both had our own households worth of stuff and we moved in together for the first time (after a year and a half of living in his and hers tiny houses). there was some decision making about which things to keep and which to pass on.
Tiny House 101 in Austin
Saturday we greeted our workshop participants at our awesome venue, Soma Vida. Participants flew from Connecticut and drove from as far as Tulsa, Oklahoma to join us for this workshop. We shared inspirations, considerations, and information and as we helped them identify the big decisions when going small and explore some design ideas for their wee homes.